April / 2019

ISBN: 9771824130006


The latest issue of Progetto grafico provides an interpretation of fun as the antithesis to work (dealt with in the previous issue) in a deliberately provocative way, aware of the problems of giving entertainment a sole definition. Often lying at the heart of economic and political decision, interpretation is of course unlimited.

Using images, we have accessed institutional – or institutionalized – worlds of counter-culture and mass communication, taking a look at the myriad ephemeral and homemade communication material used in disco and Gabber culture; the cloud of porn that generates new desire by representing the old; formats perpetuated by Italian TV of supposedly live dramas and comforting reassurances; pixelated milieus of video games capable of becoming instruments of protest, and the Las Vegas-like worlds of legalized gambling in paper form. We hope these will provide a less dogmatic way of understanding a design that does not provide answers but finds and creates opportunities to have fun and to entertain.

In this issue:

Archival section: Rudy Lamanuzzi private collection

Mauro Simionato,
Angels on the shark

Filippo Lorenzin,
Games for the many

Nico Morabito,
The world’s finest

Huyb Haye van der Verf,
The cloud of porn

Sarah Snaith,
Playing in pairs

Michele Galluzzo interviews Alberto Guerrini,
Updating Folklore

Roberta e Marco Sironi,
The graphics of lady luck

Visual section: Piero Amoruoso

Typefaces of the Temporary State
(Panama, Steinbeck, Manege, Wremena)

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Editor in chief
Jonathan Pierini

Gianluca Camillini, Jonathan Pierini

Editorial board
Giulia Cordin,
Caterina Di Paolo,
Michele Galluzzo,
Silvio Lorusso,
Emilio Macchia,
Erica Preli,
Giorgio Ruggeri

Editorial coordination
Caterina Di Paolo

Graphic design
eee studio (Emilio Macchia Erica Preli)



April / 2019

ISBN: 9771824130006


The latest issue of Progetto grafico provides an interpretation of fun as the antithesis to work (dealt with in the previous issue) in a deliberately provocative way, aware of the problems of giving entertainment a sole definition. Often lying at the heart of economic and political decision, interpretation is of course unlimited.

Using images, we have accessed institutional – or institutionalized – worlds of counter-culture and mass communication, taking a look at the myriad ephemeral and homemade communication material used in disco and Gabber culture; the cloud of porn that generates new desire by representing the old; formats perpetuated by Italian TV of supposedly live dramas and comforting reassurances; pixelated milieus of video games capable of becoming instruments of protest, and the Las Vegas-like worlds of legalized gambling in paper form. We hope these will provide a less dogmatic way of understanding a design that does not provide answers but finds and creates opportunities to have fun and to entertain.

In this issue:

Archival section: Rudy Lamanuzzi private collection

Mauro Simionato,
Angels on the shark

Filippo Lorenzin,
Games for the many

Nico Morabito,
The world’s finest

Huyb Haye van der Verf,
The cloud of porn

Sarah Snaith,
Playing in pairs

Michele Galluzzo interviews Alberto Guerrini,
Updating Folklore

Roberta e Marco Sironi,
The graphics of lady luck

Visual section: Piero Amoruoso

Typefaces of the Temporary State
(Panama, Steinbeck, Manege, Wremena)

Buy here:

Editor in chief
Jonathan Pierini

Gianluca Camillini, Jonathan Pierini

Editorial board
Giulia Cordin,
Caterina Di Paolo,
Michele Galluzzo,
Silvio Lorusso,
Emilio Macchia,
Erica Preli,
Giorgio Ruggeri

Editorial coordination
Caterina Di Paolo

Graphic design
eee studio (Emilio Macchia Erica Preli)